This toddler skirt is really simple for playuing on a sunny day. I used a duvet cover for my fabric as it is a light weight cotton and fun colours.
Cut out a rectangle, this size is dependent on the length from the waist to the knee and the size of the waist. I always add a about 6-8" onto the waist so that it gathers well at the top. This will be all the fabric you need. You don't need a front and back as we will sew the side up yo make it quicker.
Fold the fabric in half best sides together and sew down the side.
Press the seam open.
Press the seam around the top of the skirt and double it over
and sew.
You have a nice neat seam.
You now want to fold this over again leaving yourself enough space to add your elastic. So put the elastic over the top as a guide to see how big you need.
Fold over and sew.
Leave yourself a gap
Put your elastic with a pin on into the gap and thread all the way through.
catching the other end through the other side and pin together.
Sew the elastic flat (this way it will sit properly in the waistband) Sorry for blurry picture.
Let it go back into the waistband
Sew up the gap with elastic in.
Now lets hem the bottom of the skirt.
bring the hemmed edge up and sew
Looking good! I added some ironed on flower transfers.

And there you have it, all done, it really is easy.
I hope you enjoyed learning how to make one, why not try and make one for yourseldf.
Have fun!
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