I really enjoyed this project. it is so simple and effective. I made it start to finish in less than an hour, its nice to make something that you can see the result quite quickly.
Isn't it cute?!
So here you go follow the steps below to make your own.
Click the images to enlarge them.
You will need some contrasting fabric and some interfacing
Collect your fabric together.
1 For the exterior measure 15"x15" in one contrasting fabric. I didn't have enough so I sewed 2 of the same pieces together to make it 15x15.
For the interior measure and cut 14.87" x 14.78" - this will make it just right.
2 The exterior sewn together
3 The exterior fabric placed on the interfacing, cut out and iron onto the back.
4 Once you have 2 squares, cut 4" out of each corner to make a cross shape.
5 & 6 Exterior and interior crosses ( keep the 4" squares - I will show you another small project that you can use them, watch this space!)
7 Fold the cross together, sew the outsude seams, then open out and fold the other way and fold the outside seams together.
8 Looking good so far, you have one bowl, this is my interior, do the same for the exterior
9 Pin the two bowls good sides together, as you go round it will be easier to slot
them into each other 10.
11 Sew the top edges togther leaving a small gap to turn it the right way round.
12 Here is the small gap. Turn the bowl the right way round.
13 Pin the small gap together
15 Sew the gap together
16 tada! Review your handy work and be proud with what you have made.
Then start thinking about your next bowl, maybe try and bigger or smaller size.