Hanmade in Cornwall

Hanmade in Cornwall

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Hanmade embroidered cards

This is totally a cute way of embellishment. I have never tried it before so fancied giving it a try and I think it worked really well.
Here are the steps below so grab some card, drawing pins and thread and follow along!
 Start by writing the words you want on some paper. Do some practising. Maybe print out the style and size of the letters you want.
 Put your coloured card under the piece of paper with the letters on. With a drawing pin make holes the same width apart over the letters.
 Here is what it looks like so far.
 Then start doing back stitch into the card with embroidery thread - I actually used silk threads as that was all I had!
 I think it looks great.
So I tried doing a heart as well...
 Cut out your shape
 and put it onto some card
 then add your drawing pin holes though the heart shaped card.
 Put the holes onto your coloured card.
Then start to back stitch
 I think it looks so effective.
 Tada! So simple.
Why don't you give it a try.
try using different fonts for your writing or even try it on some fabric.
I know I will be doing this again!
Have fun!

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Hanmade taggy blanket

This is seriously cute and very simple.
Are you ready? Here we go...
 Gather your equipment together; contrasting fabrics and ribbons
 Cut the fabric into squares. I did them 12"x12" each
 Cut all your ribbons the same length
 Fold the ribbons in half and pin onto the fabric. Make sure the fold is in the middle part of the fabric.
 Sew over the ribbons a few times. You want to make sure the ribbons are very secure.
 Then overlap your contrasting fabrics best sides together.
 Sew all the way aroubd leaving a gap on one edge.
 Cut the corners for a neat corner once its the right way round.
 Heres your gap, turn the right way round and iron.
 Sew around the edges of the square paying particualr attention to the gap.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

crafty inspirations

Check out my latest inspirations...
needle book by nanacompany.typepad.com
handstitching and embroidery tips from frecklednest.typepad.com
owl banner from blogs.babble.com
quilt flowers from threadandthrift.blogspot.de
washi tape butning from made-to-make.blogspot.com
bag tutorial from lamaisonreid.blogspot.com
flower wreath from etsy.com

Friday, 14 September 2012

Hanmade photo journal

Hello Friday!
I enjoyed making this simple project. I haven't actually made a journal before as I have always put my photos in a scrapbook. But I love the idea of making something smaller and that I could write in it and keep it like a journal. Plus I love the paper.
So I decided to give it a try on a small project. Our summer holiday to Cornwall. I choose some photos and printed them out at home. I printed them quite small as it was just a test to see how it would work out. I like photos so I had to restrict myself to not print them all!
I choose some pretty card and paper and I used a vartiety of ways to make and present the photos. Inluding sewing onto the card (of course!) washi tape, hand writing and printed words, smaller pages, transparent paper (the flower page), funky edges and a plastic sewn pocket map at the back.
I am pleased how it turned out and will definetly make one again. Although I might try at making it as I go along rather than making one all in a oner!
Take a look.....
I hope you feel inspired!